When winter is over, on Saturdays or Sundays I often spend some hours on the bicycle. Then I cycle alone, or with organised tours. Distances vary from 50 to 150 km.
The nice thing about those tours is the fact you can do it solo at your own speed, or if you prefer the company you can go in groups. Cycling is an outdoor activity with plenty of fresh air, although in Brabant one often smells the specific fumes of agricultural activities. Cycling is good for health, and one sees the world from a different perspective than when driving a car.
When we go on vacation to an area with or close to mountains I prefer bringing the bike along. Then every time my stamina reminds me Holland is a flat country. It usually takes a week to get used to steep slopes.
I can be characterized as someone who only cycles with nice weather, I don't leave the house by bike if it is raining. I prefer waiting for the end of the shower. Personally I think the "rain-radar" and its publishing on the internet is the best invention of the last decade.