At the age of 14 my parents gave me my first photo-camera, an Agfa Isoly. With its 3 modes, “sunny”, “clouded” and “flash” every picture was exposed correctly. Next came the Agfa Isomat-Rapid, in 1980 it was succeeded by an SLR, the Pentax ME-Super with the popular Metz CT-45 flash.
In the early years my style was not really a style, every exposure was technology-driven: a well exposed and focused picture was more important than its composition and creativity with light and colours. The costs of printing was such, I was more interested in recording the event than creativity. This was still the case when in 2003 I bought "My First Sony", a Cybershot 5 Megapixel DSC.
In 2007 I returned to (D)SLR. The Nikon D80 made me see the light. The standard kit-lens was soon to be replaced by some large aperture primes and one tele-zoom. Nowadays my neck often suffers under the weight of a Nikon D3 with mostly the 24-70mm, and/or a D850 with the 70-200mm.
My style has changed a lot, I take much more time to explore the subject from different directions before pressing the exposure-button. I prefer taking photos of people, more than landscape, nature and architecture. But even those categories sometimes result in nice pictures.